The Chairman

Professor Praneeth Abhayasundara



Professor Praneeth Abhayasundara has been appointed as the Chairman of Arts Council of Sri Lanka by Hon. Minister Mr. Vidura Wickramanayake.

Prof. Abyesundara is a Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology of Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, USJ and was the former Head of the Sociology & Anthropology Department. Prof. Abyesundara studied at Ananda college Colombo, and obtained a BA. Special Degree in Sociology, and later MA in from University of Sri Jayewardenepura.  He also obtained Merit in Post Graduate Diploma in Writership & Communication. He got his PhD. in Sociology from Banaras H.U. India.

He was awarded the State Literary Award in 2004 for his novel “Baranas nam nuwara”. He was awarded “Shasana Sanathana Shathakaabhimana (ශාසන සනාථන ශතකාභිමාන) special honorary award for his contribution to the betterment of the Buddha Sasana in 2019. And Prof. Abeysundara is a Prestigious Bunka Award Winner (Japan). He was a Member of State Literary panel, former chairmen of the All Ceylon Buddhist Congress of Sri Lanka and was the Chairperson of Art council of University of Sri Jayewardenepura are few of his long list of achievements.